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How to wrap and turn and knit short rows

uh oh…life moves on, and so has this post.

This page has moved, please visit my new site at this link for the free tutorial


  1. Pingback: Christmas Pudding knitting pattern « fluff and fuzz knitting

  2. Trish

    I have been trying to figure out for weeks how to do this properly. Thank you so much for making it so clear 🙂

  3. Jennifer

    Wow, I’ve been waiting for excellent instructions such as these! Thank you!

  4. Sandy

    Thank you, Now I can accomplish my project with a greater confidence. Your explanation were very clear and easy to understand. The pictures were so helpful. Seeing the needles was a great help too. Now on to my knitting.

  5. Denise

    I’ve been knitting for over 40 years and I’ve taken many classes, read many books, looked at many tutorials and this is the best explanation I’ve seen on wrapping stictheson short rows. Thank you so very much

  6. margaret craig

    I think I can now go ahead and knit the toddler hat I have struggled with for the last six months. thank you for such a simple and easy to understand tutorial. Here’s to new projects for the future because I now understand wrap and stitch!!! The amount of work I have had to abandon because of confusion 😦 Thank you again.

  7. Lilo

    i can´t find out how i have to do this: K3, WT, P6, WT, K3 can you give me an advise?

    • Hi there!

      I am not sure what pattern this is, but it looks like you would be starting from the right side, knit the next 3 stitches on your row, then wrap the next stitch, and turn. Now work on the wrong side and purl 6 stitches, then wrap the next stitch and turn.

      Hope that helps! Email me at if you need anything else

      Best wishes


  8. Thank you sincerely. Your explanation is SPLENDID. However, I am not sure how many short rows you actually added, and how often you added them! I am knitting a curve that is exactly like yours. My pattern reads: *Work 1 row over the first 10 sts on row, turn and work back. Work 1 row over the first 41 sts, on row, turn and work back. Work 1 row over all sts, turn and work back*.Repeat from *-*,i.e. 8 rows at the widest and 2 rows at the most narrow in 1 repetition.”

    Does this mean that I put in the short row procedure every eight rows? I am SO VERY confused by this! I really appreciate your help. Thanx.

  9. Karen

    Finally it makes sense!
    I have a row where I’m picking up on the purl side but in knit stitch as i’m making a band of knit stitches for decoration on the right side – which way should I pick up the wrap from the purl side to knit?

    • Hello! A super question …. pick up the wrap following the instructions for the purl row, but instead of purling the wrap and next stitch together, knit them together instead

      I hope that helps, but please do email me if you need anything else at

      Best wishes

      fluff and fuzz

  10. M Walsh

    Thanks for the great instructions and photographs. The photographs were wonderfully helpful – and I especially liked that you included what do do AFTER the wraps – most patterns don’t include that part, and it’s really important if you want your work to look neat and tidy. You made it very clear and easy to understand. 🙂

  11. azura

    that has been very helpful already, but I’m still stuck on this:
    I’m knitting my first glove and – thanks to you – have finished the thumb. I now have some stitches on the left needle, some on the right and the thumb in the middle. The pattern tells me to rejoin the yarn, pick up and knit 3 stitches cast on at the base of the thumb and knit all the remaining stitches. I have no idea how to do this, since the stitches are on both needles and it doesn’t say which stitches to pick up…
    Could you please help me?

    • Hi, I hope I can help. It is a bit tricky to answer without seeing the pattern, but the pick up would happen where the thumb is. I think what you need to do is knit the stitches on either side of the thumb ….. start on one side, knit to the place where the thumb is in the middle, then pick up 3 stitches along the base of the thumb, then knit across the stitches on the other side. Hope it helps, but let me know if you are still confused.

      • azura

        Thank you, that does help, but what do I do with the stitches on the right needle? Those would have to be worked first, wouldn’t they? Should I slip them on the left needle?

      • Does the pattern tell you to work them first? It is hard to answer without seeing the pattern, as I don’t know what has been worked, but the pick up would happen at the thumb.

  12. azura

    Unfortunately, the pattern isn’t very useful here…it says (after the thumb is finished):
    “With rs facing, rejoin yarn to rem sts. Pick up and k3 sts previously cast on at base of thumb, then k to end (43 sts)”
    (I have 20 stitches on each needle) Up to that point, the pattern was stockinette stitch, adding two stitches evey forth row, then working the thumb in short rows.

    • Oh gosh, not a helpful pattern then! I think from the instructions you start by picking up 3 sts at the thumb, then knit across the 20 sts on your left needle, then your right needle will have 43 sts on it…..but I am assuming that the 20 sts on the right needle have already been knitted before you worked the thumb, otherwise it will be uneven.

      • azura

        Thank you so much! Yes, the stitches on the right needle had been knitted already, I’ve done what you said and it looks fine 😀

  13. Melissa

    What happens if you knit row one, wrap and turn, then purl row two, come back across on the knit side, and before you can pick up the stitch, your instructions say to wrap and turn again. When do you pick up the stitch?

    • Hello Melissa, You will pick up the wrap the first time you work the stitch that is wrapped, which is why it is helpful to know what wraps look like. At some point you will knit across that wrapped stitch, and that is when you will pick up.

      Sorry I can’t be more specific without seeing the pattern

      Best wishes


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