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A new home

I am winding down this Wordpress blog, and moving to a new home.

To all my lovely super-duper fluffy fuzzy followers, you can now find me at

As much as I have loved this blog, and I know so many of you have appreciated the tutorials and free patterns I have posted over the past four years, it is time for me to move with the times.  So my new website is (hopefully) going to be an online portal  for you to access all my tutorials and patterns … that sounds so whizzy and techy!  Although it  is still a work in progress, please do pop over and bookmark me.

Click here for tutorials

and here for free patterns

For my random musings, snippets and knitting ramblings you can catch up through Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Don’t worry if you have bookmarked a page on my blog, I have added new links on each post so hopefully you will be able to find any saved tutorials  quickly by clicking through.  Wordpress could automatically re-route traffic, but for a fee, and until I win the lottery I am afraid that is outside of my budget.

Best wishes to all my lovely followers on this blog, and thank you for all your support, and I look forward to catching up with you in my new home.


little birds house


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