comments 13

How to make eyes for knitted toys

This page has moved.  For the free tutorial, please visit


  1. Denise

    Thanks – been raking my brains trying to remember how to do it. Your step by step photos, were a bug memeory jogger.



  2. Thank you for great instructions on eyes. I have been looking for a while, can’t wait to try this!

  3. Thanks! it is the perfect fit for some eyes I am doing. It’s so simple too!! I love it! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Sara Layton

    Thank you!!!! I forgot to buy safety eyes for a gift I’m making! I like this much better.

  5. Marje

    This is wonderful!!! I have at least six finished toys and figures awaiting their eyes! Oh the trauma of unpicking and re-doing embroidered eyes, eurggghhh! I have just tried this method and it makes an oval shape if you don’t pull it too tight or circular if you do, amazing. Thank you so much.

  6. msF

    Thanks! Just what I need! I tried to crochet some eyes but they were just too big – this is perfect!

  7. june

    Thank you so much, I had been struggling with the eyes on my rabbits for so long and I was about at the end of my tether. 5 star information

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